Large Magellanic Cloud

Southwest – Chart 3

SW Chart 3

LH OB Associations: –

NGC Objects: NGC 1520

Southwest Region Chart 3

NGC 1520  (Open Cluster)

RA 03 57 51.0   Dec -76 47 42   Mag –   Size 5′

16″ at 228x: NGC 1520 is a loose, irregular cluster of 15 stars, mag 9.6 and fainter scattered in a 5′ region. At the south end there is a pretty group of 5 stars in a close 2.1′ x 1′ group. It’s not a very rich cluster, but it stands out well owing to the star-sparse field in which it lies.

NGC 1520

IC 2103  (Background Galaxy)

RA 04 39 48.0   Dec -76 50 12   Mag 13.6   Size 1.1′  x 0.3′   SB  –   PA –

16″ at 228x: Lying in a barren field, this edge-on background galaxy appears as a very faint and slender streak of galactic light, 50″ x 20″ elongated E-W.

IC 2103

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