Large Magellanic Cloud

Southwest – Chart 2

SW Chart 2

LH OB Associations: –

NGC Objects: NGC 1777, 1956

Southwest Region Chart  2

NGC 1777  (Open Cluster)

RA 04 55 48.0   Dec -74 17 00   Mag 12.8   Size 2.4′

16″ at 228x: Lying 38′ N of lovely orangey mag 5.5 Eta Mensae, NGC 1777 appears relatively bright, irregular, 1.2′ in diameter, slightly elongated N-S. Very unusually, there is a lovely double, HJ 3722 superimposed on its east side (mag 11.2/11.5 at 31″ separation). The cluster is bracketed by a mag 12.5 star lying 2.2′ SE and and mag 13 star lying 1.7′ NW.

NGC 1777

NGC 1956  (Background Galaxy)

RA 05 19 36.1   Dec -77 43 45   Mag 13.1   Size 1.9′ x 0.8′   SB 13.5   PA 68°

16″ at 228x: To my eye, edge-on galaxies are elegant and enigmatic, and this background galaxy is a lovely edge-on! It is ~1.5′ x 30″, elongated WSW-ENE, with a small, bright, round core surrounded by a much fainter halo; their ends beautifully rounded.

NGC 1956

SL 433 (Open Cluster)

RA 05 22 18.0   Dec -74 36 18   Mag –   Size 1.7′ x 1.5′

16″ at 228x: SL 433 appears as a faint, round, very diffuse glow, ~30″ in diameter.

SL 433

IC 2134 (Open Cluster)

RA 05 23 06.0   Dec -75 26 48   Mag 13.9   Size 1.4′

16″ at 228x: IC 2134 appears fairly faint, round, smooth and even, 20″ in diameter, no stars resolved.

IC 2134

SL 576 (Open Cluster)

RA 05 33 13.0   Dec -74 22 06   Mag 13.7   Size 1.6′

16″ at 228x: SL 576 appears as a fairly faint, round glow, 20″ in diameter.

SL 576

IC 2140 (Open Cluster)

RA 05 33 21.0   Dec -75 22 36   Mag 13.5   Size 2.3′

16″ at 228x: IC 2140 appears as a faint, round glow, 1.4′ in diameter, with a slightly grainy appearance, and brightening slightly to the centre. A couple of ~mag 15 stars are resolved around the edges and a mag 14.3 star lies off the east-northeast edge.

IC 2140

SL 620 (Open Cluster)

RA 05 36 29.0   Dec -74 24 18   Mag 12.6   Size 1.9′

16″ at 228x: SL 620 appears as a fairly, round, hazy even glow, ~40″ in diameter. A couple of ~mag 15 stars are resolved on the northeast edge.

SL 620

IC 2146 (Open Cluster)

RA 05 37 46.0   Dec -74 47 00   Mag 12.4   Size 3.3′

16″ at 228x: IC 2146 appears as a fairly faint, round and hazy glow, 1.3′ in diameter. A couple of mag 15 stars are resolved at the southeast edge.

IC 2146

IC 2148 (Open Cluster)

RA 05 39 11.0   Dec -75 33 48   Mag 14.2   Size 1.3′

16″ at 228x: IC 2148 appears as a very faint, round, and diffuse glow, 25″ in diameter.

IC 2148

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