Large Magellanic Cloud

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What’s new on the website…

Steve Gottlieb’s Observations

There are going to be a multitude of fantastic updates over the next little while as Steve is adding his extensive LMC observation notes to the website! He has thoroughly explored the Cloud over the course of his numerous visits to the southern hemisphere, and I am very grateful to him for sharing his meticulous and detailed observation notes here.

As the majority of his observations were made with various large aperture telescopes, it is an incredibly valuable resource for the owners of large Dobs.

In addition, as anyone who has visited his Adventures in Deep Space knows, each object is accompanied by the most extensive notes on the object’s historical data. These notes are a hugely valuable addition to the website.

I will post the pages on which his observation notes can be found as we complete them.

Linked pages: 

Northwest Region: 

Northwest Central

Northwest Chart 1

Northwest Chart 2

Northwest Chart 3

Southwest Region: 

Southwest Central

Southwest Chart 1

Southwest Chart 2

Southwest Chart 3

Northeast Region: 

Northeast Central

Northeast Chart 1

Northeast Chart 2

Northeast Chart 3

Southeast Region: 

Southeast Central

Southeast Chart 1

Southeast Chart 2

Southeast Chart 3

Bar Charts: 

Bar Chart 1

Bar Chart 2

Bar Chart 3

Bar Chart 4

Bar Chart 5

Bar Charts: 

Bar Chart 6

Bar Chart 7

Bar Chart 8

Bar Chart 9

Bar Chart 10

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Errata: if you see an error, please let me know so it can be rectified

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