Large Magellanic Cloud

LH 32

A pretty little association with a couple of small clusters and emission nebulae

Image credit & copyright: Robert Gendler

RA: 05h 10m 35.1s   Dec -67° 07′ 38″

Diameter: 7′ x 4′

OB Associations: LH 32

NGC Objects: –

An attractive little gathering of stars lying in a rich field

228x: Lying 19′ WNW of gorgeous orangey Theta Doradus, LH 32 appears 7ʹ x 4ʹ in diameter, elongated NW-SE, with half a dozen brightish stars and a handful of faint stars, scattered across it, and set against a very patchy haze of unresolved stars. SL 281 is ~50′ x 30′ in diameter, elongated E-W, a faint glow of unresolved stars, except for a single ~mag 14.5, that lies on its north side. SL 289 appears as a stellar, but relatively bright, bead of light. With the UHC filter, N26 appears as a fairly faint but obvious oval glow, 15′ x 10′ in diameter, orinted NNE-SSW, with nicely clear-cut edges all round. By contrast, N27 with the filter, appears as an extremely faint, round glow, best seen with averted vision, ~10′ in diameter, with no discernible edges, it just fades away.

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