Large Magellanic Cloud

LH 122

A pretty little association with small bright NGC 2147 and an attractive sprinkling of stars

Image credit Robert Gendler

RA: 05h 55m 53s   Dec: -68° 13′ 42″

Diameter: 2′ x 1.5′

OB Associations: LH 122

Henize: N75

NGC Objects: NGC 2147

LH 122 is a pretty little association

16″ at 228x: LH 122 appears as a 2′ oval, oriented NNW-SSE with small, bright NGC 2147 lying at its north-northwest end. The stars appears as an arc of three mag 13-14 stars along with a few mag 15-15.5 stars, all immersed in a soft, faint glow of unresolved stars. NGC 2147 appears bright, round, 25″ diameter, brightening to a very bright core. One small star is resolved on its south side. Without a filter N75’s nebulosity is not visible but it responds nicely to the UHC filter, revealing a matched pair of faint, very hazy arcs to both the north and south of the association. NGC 1947 dominates the northern arc and lovely mag 9.9 HD 270358 dominates the southern arc. The hazy arcs have no definite edges, they just fade away into the sky.

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