Large Magellanic Cloud

Friends of the Cloud

The Kalahari galaxy of stars

Big thanks 

I want to say thank you and to recognize a very special group of people – all the wonderful people in the Kalahari whose generous support helped me to create this website… I will be eternally grateful to you.

Your support made this long and enjoyable journey of converting all the time I spent in the Large Magellanic Cloud into this website into the special journey that it was.

I am so thankful for the people I met, the people I became close to and the memories you left with me. Especially the memories of standing around my telescope under those stunning night skies, and looking into our amazing, fantastic and beautiful universe. It really was a wonderful experience for us to share the beauty and mystery found in the stars!


My dearest friend, Petro (centre), with her husband Elbie, and without whose friendship this website would never have seen the light of day.

There are some people in this world who have the ability to make a difference in the lives of others simply by being themselves. She is one of those people.

The Kalahari sponsors asked to remain anonymous… but I thought a group photo would be nice! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping make this website a reality.

Venetia and Japie… thank you for my charming star home on your beautiful farm, Gemsbok. The hundreds of nights I spent gazing at the Cloud with your magnificent old Southern Cross windmill keeping me company are unforgettable. And the lifelong friendship we forged over uncounted cups of tea, Venetia, and all the adventures we had… what a special time it was!

Kalahari Research Centre

Thank you to Professor Marta Manser (University of Zurich) for endorsing my LMC project. And a big thanks to Tim Vink, for supporting the project from the get-go.

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